is no longer the color commentator for the beloved. He was driven away by integrity-challenged nincompoops in both the front office and the manager's chair. Such a shame that in this day and age, political correctness wins out over good, honest, TRUTH.
Moises will piss on his hands in another city, Kent Mercker will play on in relative obscurity and Dusty Baker will continue to mismanage his pitching staff while apologizing for the entire team. Stone Pony's excellent on-the-money pearls of wisdom will be truly missed by Cubs fans across the USA.
So long, Pal.
Read Steve Stone's open letter to Cubs fans.
This is an amazing turn of events. The Stone Pony really went off the final weekend, interesting enough it was after Chip had inked his deal with the Braves. I was one of very few who wasted an hour or so watching the last game. It sure sounded at that point like Stone was gonna follow his friend Chippys lead. (After watching the baseball playoffs I hope the Executives at FOX go after Stone to replace McCarver.)
This opens the door for the Sutcliffe/Grace booth. The problem is MacFAIL hates Grace and Sutcliffe is just a younger version of Stone in the booth. There is no way this Cub team could take his criticism. So we can forget the Ex-Cub booth. I PREDICT your 2004 announcing team will be: Len Kaspar and Dave Otto. That'll be exciting.
Amazing how the Cubs have spread the blame around this offseason:
Television play-by-play Announcer
Third base coach
Assistant Trainer
Television Analyst
I'm not sure if this is Hendry's "Grand Plan". What is apparent is the Cubs GM and Dusty Baker are a united front.
the guys down at trib tower should consider running for the white house. seriously.
what a fucking joke. what a sad fucking joke. he gets blamed? for what? being the best color man in broadcasting? absolutely pathetic.
leave that stuff in its box, gib.
Just another reason to listen to Ron and Pat.
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