blueisthecolor went out to Wrigley Field for the finale of the Cub sweep against the Braves. In what is becoming a pretty funny tradition he asked you the 1060west readers for an idea for a sign. Here's the winner!

There is a funny sidenote to this picture. I'll let blue tell the story:
"incidentally, in the bottom of the 3rd i was hit by a foul liner off the bat of Murton, wasn't paying close enough attention. you can see thebandana which is holding the ice pack in place on my arm."
See what happens when you take a sign like this to the ballpark. The players start aiming for ya' LOL.
Shipwreck? 1060west reader FloppyJanis sent me this picture. I think it describes the two goofs in charge pretty well.

If you have a picture of a sign of protest or thoughts on something Cub please Email (remember we just might post it).
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