Saturday, January 07, 2006

Attention Orioles Blogs!

This page is a page of giving.

In the spirit of fandom. If (hopefully when) the Cubs send Korey Patterson to the Orioles for a suspect (or a can of string beans maybe even beets would be enough) I would like to extend the olive branch from us 1060westers to you the Baltimore Orioles bloggers. We will be happy to give an O's blog the Korey Patterson graphic on the right hand column of this page. I know, I know. Really you can have it!

This graphic was designed by 1060west guru gaius marius. This was all that we had during the past season, as we watched Korey swing and miss his way through another NL season. It got so bad I actually bought a round at the Pub one day when he took a fourth ball. Now you O's fans will be able to track the misadventures of our hero Korey as he battles the evil strikezone in his pursuit of plate discipline.

Happy base on balls everyone and long live the walkathon!

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