Joseph Jackson from Flying Orioles gives an O's fans view of the trade.
The guys at Orioles Hangout have differing opinions on this deal.
The Oriole Warehouse is pretty indifferent on the deal.
It doesn't look like the Cubs are getting much in Hairston. Hopefully a deal for Huff follows.
Finally on Birds in the Belfry gives a good quantitative article on Camden Yards. The conclusion is that "Camden Yards has settled into a slightly better than neutral home run park for left-handed hitters while displaying a clear and fairly consistent advantage to right-handed hitters." That sounds like good news for Senior Sosa.

As Sammy heads to Baltimore, I start to think of the fun out on Fell's Point. If you head out to Maryland anytime soon try the crabcakes. John Steven, LTD. has never disappointed. The cakes are good and the beer is always cold.
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